Sobriety Journaling MasterClass!

Sobriety Journaling MasterClass!

I wish there had been a step-by-step journaling guide when I was in early sobriety.

Everyone suggested that I keep a journal, from my rehab counselor to my sponsor. The benefits were explained to me repeatedly. Does this sound familiar?

📝 You know journaling is helpful.

📝 You've been told to journal by everyone.

📝 You WANT to journal.

But you don't know how to start.

NOW you do.

The most impactful tool in my recovery toolbox – hands down – has been Journaling. Now, I'm ready to share my process with you– are you ready to Break Free?

Those who enroll in my Journaling MasterClass will:

  • Develop a personal template for journaling;
  • Find ways to move past resistance to journaling;
  • Learn ways to best respond to journal prompts;
  • Track personal relapse cycles and put safeguards in place;
  • Make daily journalling an automatic habit;
  • Find inspiration for their life stories or memoirs.

What are you waiting for? Class starts soon!